May 14-The Influence of Our Worldview

As we turn to summer, we tend to turn to our own professional development. We think about the skills we need to develop in preparation for the next teaching year. To start off that process, we’ll read a bit about our philosophies and worldviews. Both of these articles are introductions. Further reading in either series may be interesting!

Varpio L, Ellaway RH. Shaping our worldviews: a conversation about and of theory. Adv Heal Sci Educ. 2021;26(1):339-345. doi:10.1007/s10459-021-10033-2. Grab your notes…Remember that we have also read this on theory.

Varpio L, Macleod A. Philosophy of Science Series: Harnessing the Multidisciplinary Edge Effect by Exploring Paradigms, Ontologies, Epistemologies, Axiologies, and Methodologies. Acad Med. 2020;95(5):686-689. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000003142

Questions to consider:

What role does theory currently play in my work? What role would I like it to play?

How does my worldview influence the scholarly work that I do?

How am I harnessing the multidisciplinary edge?

Lead: Kristin Janke, Ph.D.
Time: 9-10 AM
Location: Zoom ONLY. Please let Kristin Janke ( know if you need the link.

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